In the functional oxide familiy, manganite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) possess a full spin polarization and when used as electrodes in magnetic junction it exhibits high tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratios at low temperatures up to several hundred of percent. Such systems can be used in magnetic field sensing for high sensitivity magnetometers. We are mainly interested by the impact of the barriere material and interfaces on the noise and magnetoresistance ratio of the structures.
MR based scanning magnetic microscope are developped in the LNO. By integrating the MR sensors in different way, on a tetraedric support, with a coil or on an AFM cantilever, 3D magnetic images, non destructive testing by eddy currents or submicronic and large bandwidth magnetic images can be obtained respectiveley. The main applications targeted are material analysis and geomagnetism.